Saturday, May 17, 2008


Well I came up a couple of basic tricks that will increases your chance of impressing girls, I know most of them would have mastered this art but there are still many who are still struggling to get on with it. I myself learned this by noticing one my friends

He is such an expert in this area that he could get a doctorate. I swear!

Notice Her: noticing girls makes them fell special, they really like a guy has all his attention over her. In Tamil (a language spoken in southern India) we call this “sighting”.

Sighting: it means getting a good view of the girls who around you ( he he)

Make sure you don’t get caught while having a peek at her

Be clean and smell good: never approach girls if you are shabby or if you are smelly otherwise you will scare the fuck! out of her. Smell is a very important sensation which can either make or break relationships. So make sure that you smell good and take care of those teeth, gums as well.

Use some breath refreshing mint to help you out in this matter.
Try to get to know her: Girls wants to be known. That means you ask her about herself, and let her talk (this is true in most cases.. but sometimes girls don't open up right away, it may take some time)
Show that you are attracted: u will need to leave clues as Girls need to know they you are interested in them or not. It’s true. They need to know you are interested. Then in turn they will let you know they are attracted. But don’t leave the clues so open that everyone around you can understand. Make sure that clues can be solved only by her (I hope you understand what I am saying)

There a large chunk of girls who expect proof from you so make sure you know your girl well before trying this.

Smile at her: A smile goes a long way. Everyone loves a smile. So use your smile, it speaks deep.

Be where she is: Find out what she likes and what she does and show up there but don't push yourself on her, but if she shows signs of liking you, you can continue to be where she is. Else get the hell out of there else you could mess up the entire relationship.

Give her compliments: Compliments, just like smiles, go a long way .A lot of girls don't know how to take a compliment, but that doesn't mean you should stop compliments them. Don't make up stuff, if get caught you could land in trouble. On the other hand you could make up if you are smart enough to cover things up
Say something funny: Most girls feel humor is the most important thing on a guy. So funny guys always have an edge over others but don't take yourself too seriously, even if you aren't super funny. Lighten up... she's like you for the person you are!

Stand tall: Don't stand all hunched over like the hunchback she likes a man who stands up straight. It shows you are confident.

Be a copycat: try imitating her that is if she is leaning forward, then lean forward. If she has her hands on her face, put your hands on your face. Subconsciously she will think you both agree and that is good. BUT DON'T GET CAUGHT!

You will find out that these steps can take some time to get the desired results but you could instead spent time in earning some money as ultimately girls go for the one who is loaded with cash

I hope I have given an idea as to how to approach a girl. Hope you found it useful.

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